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Jennifer is 21 years of age, is completing a Bachelor of Communications and Media and is Korean by race, Chinese by cultural background and Australian born and raised. She is into all things fashion, from interest in the history of designers to styling and current trends and also the business side such as fashion branding and marketing. Upon viewing the above fashion items, I was easily distinguished the Japanese and Chinese features and influences because I recognised the prints and styles. I really like the pieces, they are edgy, have nice colour schemes and the cultural elements add a sense of intrigue to the items and makes them look bad-ass. I would definitely purchase the jackets as the lines and colours are very my style as well as the prints make them unique. I would also buy the two-piece set purely for the pattern, that this type of pattern is frequently seen on traditional Chinese Qi Pao’s which are worn in ceremonious times such as Chinese Lunar New Year - although I would never wear this outfit in times where the Qi Pao would be worn because it would be highly inappropriate due to its skimpy nature. I’m really drawn to the Asian features of the pieces because it is different and a fun way to play with fashion rather than due to having a personal affinity with the Asian aspects due to my own cultural background.

I personally don’t see the pieces as offensive as they do not make fun of the countries but I definitely do consider it cultural appropriation in that they are taking cultural aspects of a country such as a dragon and the rising sun and using it as a trend piece, as something to appeal to consumers. I also don’t find this a negative though, as long as the designers intent derives from admiration as opposed to mocking and it is carried out correctly via informed research.


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