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Sari is a 26 year old who is from Japan, residing outside of Tokyo, she is currently completing her Masters of Education. Sari was the first person to be interviewed who was from Japan, a country who’s culture was captured again and again on the clothing shown to her. Sari stated how while at home in Japan she cares about fashion a lot more than she has while living in Australia. She states that fashion is different in different areas, and she prefers to dress similar to what others are in the area. While looking at the images of the clothing she recognises ‘straight away’ that Tokyo and Japan are the major influences for the clothing. Sari currently is not interested in wearing the clothing whilst in Australia, though would be interested in purchasing it and wearing to a party while back in Japan. She would also keep it in her wardrobe as they are ‘interesting’. Most interesting and important is that if she saw people in Australia wearing it then it would not be taken offensively, instead viewing it as people supporting Japan. Although she does not view it as representing Japan, but just another jacket that has Asian symbols and wording on it. For example one jacket has Winter and Autumn printed on the sleeves, while another has Tokyo and a dragon on the back, which is a symbol known in Chinese culture. Overall Sari finds the jackets humours and states they would be popular amongst Japanese teenagers.


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